In this Special Day, every one guy who stood upon you when you opened your eyes… (F) riendship – you are a true friend (A) ffection – you always display your love for me (T) eacher – you have been and still are my best life teacher (H) umour...
“Choice follows Awareness!’ Mindfulness is truly the portal to living in balance! Joel Levey, Living in Balance Teh Wee Sheng, a member of Malaysia national dodgeball team since 2015 with 2-gold medals and 3-silver medals, has it all. Catch him LIVE where...
Salutations and Heartiest Congratulations to His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on the Occasion of His Majesty‘s Official Birthday on 8th June 2020. DAULAT...
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